Welcome to your
company book club.
Read, Inspire, Connect.
Contact usOur expert curators will find the right titles for your company's book club. Choose from the best nonfiction, fiction and business titles.
Books are delivered in daily instalments via our mobile apps and web platform, allowing readers to take part in a digital, company-wide book club.

Choose from our selection of top titles
Read together and discuss with fellow employees
Daily Instalments
30 minutes of reading per day
On The Go
Read on our iOS or Android app
Full visibility of reader engagement and completion rates
Benefits for your organisation
- Offer your employees a great way to explore the best non-fiction and fiction titles.
- Prompt conversations that spark new ways of thinking and create new connections.
- Create memorable moments by meeting the world's top authors and thinkers.
- Facilitate unique interaction between senior management and colleagues.
- Use to fulfill your Environmental, Social, Governance targets.

Benefits for your staff

- Free access to the best fiction and non-fiction titles.
- Increase personal interactions across the firm through both digital and water cooler discussions.
- Opportunity to meet the world's top non-fiction authors via live digital events.
- Spark new thought processes, increase problem-solving capabilities and drive creativity.
- Improved pastoral and employee wellness offering.
Boost morale, well-being and strategic thinking
Shared reading experiences spark creative thought and build empathy between colleagues. Unlock potential across your organisation with the right content delivered to the right people in the right way.
For more information, contact Laurence at laurence@thepigeonhole.com