The Girl with the Green Eyes

Bella is defective. You need to take her back.

Nine-year-old Bella D’accourt has always known she was different; she was born into a controversial ‘designer baby’ eugenic programme, difference is in her DNA. Bella has been designed to be exceptionally beautiful, but when she uses her sadistic, manipulative charm to seriously injure another child her mother brings her back to her creators and demands they ‘fix her’.

Thus begins Bella’s new life among scientists and other eugenic ‘Subjects’ at the mysterious Aspira Research Centre in Cumbria. But an enemy lurks in the shining laboratories set among idyllic mountains; an obsessive, murderous enemy who will, years later, drive Bella from all she has worked for and into a desperate, night-time flee across the country with her daughter, whom she will protect at all costs.

But Ariana, 12, isn’t so sure she wants to be protected by Bella anymore.

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About the author

J M Briscoe is a sci-fi author, journalist and stay-at-home-mum of three based in Berkshire, UK. She writes a strong female lead, bakes a mean birthday cake and has been known to do both simultaneously. This, her publishing debut, was long-listed for The Bridport Prize 2020. It is part one of a soft sci-fi trilogy called Take Her Back.

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Why We Like It

  • Part one of the TAKE HER BACK trilogy
  • Long-listed for The Bridport Prize 2020
  • Follow J M Briscoe on Twitter @jm_briscoe or subscribe to her website for updates and exclusive Take Her Back content.

What readers are saying:

  • 'J M Briscoe’s dynamic use of descriptive imagery makes for a truly immersive reader experience. [She] picks the perfect description to give a feel for what it’s really like for the characters.'
  • 'Angela Carter meets Ursula Le Guin.'

J M (Jenny) Briscoe is a sci-fi author, journalist and stay-at-home-mum of three based in Berkshire, UK. She writes a strong female lead, bakes a mean birthday cake and has been known to do both simultaneously. This, her publishing debut, was long-listed for The Bridport Prize 2020. It is part one of a soft sci-fi trilogy called Take Her Back.

Jenny penned her first ‘novel’ at the age of 12. Several melodramatic tales (often involving twins, one of whom would invariably end up dying extravagantly) later, she honed her craft enough to earn a place on an English and Creative Writing BA at Royal Holloway, University of London. After graduating, she began her journalism career as a reporter with the local newspaper in her hometown of Dartmouth, Devon, before completing a PGDip in Broadcast Journalism at Cardiff University. She has worked as a journalist for radio, TV, news websites and b2b trades magazines, but her true passion has always been writing fiction.

After becoming a mum in 2013, Jenny took the opportunity to write, launching a light-hearted parenting blog called Insert Future Here and penning a Young Adult novel (featuring twins) called The Thing About Amelia, long-listed for the 2016 Mslexia Children’s Novel Competition.

Jenny wrote The Girl with the Green Eyes in 2018/19 while pregnant with her third child. In 2020 it reached the top 20 of over 1,600 entrants to The Bridport Prize: Peggy Chapman-Andrews First Novel Award. Jenny is currently working on its two sequels. No twins have been hurt in the making. Yet.

Follow J M Briscoe on Twitter @jm_briscoe or subscribe to her website for updates and exclusive Take Her Back content.

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