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Born in London in 1660, Daniel Defoe, alongside being a journalist, started life working as a merchant and participating in several failing businesses, which led to him facing bankruptcy and aggressive creditors. He was often imprisoned for slander due to his antics as a political pamphleteer.
His first published literary work was a political pamphlet in 1683, and some of his best political works include The True-Born Englishman which shed light on the racial prejudice in England following the attacks on King William II, "William Henry of Orange", for being a foreigner; and the Review which was published from 1704 to 1713, during the reign of Queen Anne, King William II's successor.
In 1719, around the age of 59, he decided to take a new literary path. He published Robinson Crusoe (1719), which had been compiled from several short essays he had composed over the years. A handful of novels that centered around rogues and criminals followed soon after, including Moll Flanders (1722). In the mid-1720s, Defoe returned to writing editorial pieces, focusing on such subjects as morality, politics and the breakdown of social order in England. Some of his later works include Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business (1725); the nonfiction essay "Conjugal Lewdness: or, Matrimonial Whoredom" (1727); and a follow-up piece to the "Conjugal Lewdness" essay, entitled "A Treatise Concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed."
Defoe died in 1731. While little is known about his personal life - largely due to a lack of documentation - Defoe is remembered today as a prolific journalist and author, and has been lauded for his hundreds of fiction and nonfiction works, from political pamphlets to other journalistic pieces, to fantasy-filled novels.